Level progression of our Progressive classes
If you are new to Swing Out, South Florida progressive classes, we ask that you start your journey with us in Foundations. Foundations is an all-level class - it's perfect for: brand new beginners, folks still perfecting 6 count and Charleston footwork patterns, more experienced dancers looking to re-establish a strong foundation or simply shake off some rust, or anyone who wants to start learning their non-primary role. Foundations is a four-class series and the classes can be taken in any order. No partner or experience needed.
Absolutely! We welcome anyone who has never taken a class with us before to Drop In for the first two weeks of each session only.* The material and concepts in these classes builds throughout the four weeks, so regular attendance is key both to you and your classmates getting the most out of class.
*Exceptions may be made for advanced or out-of-town traveling dancers - please email us if this applies to you.
We regularly have folks join us who have learned from a lot of different places and instructors. The style and fundamentals we're teaching doesn't always align with what other organizations teach. We need everyone in class to share the same foundations for the sake of student safety and group progress. Students joining us with previous training are required to be evaluated by an instructor before being placed in a class. Please email or reach out to us if this applies to you.
Core classes work on more advanced technique including musicality, partnership, body and movement mechanics, refining techniques, and expanding your skill set. Additional vernacular jazz styles are regularly covered. The topic of this class will change every session, responsive to the students' progress and needs. It is important that students joining Core share the same foundational skills and technique, so that the class's ability to move through the material is not slowed or halted by a single student.
To move into Core Class, you must: complete the four Foundations classes and/or be approved by the instructor team.
There is not a standard timeline for this - everyone is on their own dance journey! The idea is not that you've checked all the boxes, but that everyone in the Core Class is both comfortable and confident with the material and concepts covered in the Foundations courses. This allows: you to get the most out of your class, for the best learning environment for each class collectively, and allows students to have a clear idea of the expectations of the different courses.
A full list of what we’re looking for can be found below. When you feel like you can lead or follow the material listed comfortably, confidently, on time, and with good rhythm, reach out to our instructor team about moving up into Core! If the instructor team agrees that you'd be a good fit for the class, you'll join the following month's Core Class for a trial session. And no sweat - if you try it out and feel like Core isn't the best place for you, you can always jump right back into Foundations!
If you think you might be ready but you're not sure, you can always reach out to the instructor team to talk about it! We're always happy to chat about where you're at in your dance journey, how you're feeling about it, and to give feedback on what you can focus on, which can include recommendations for how you can get closer to moving into Core.
To join Core Class, you will be expected to have learned and be able to do the following:
Lindy Hop 8-Count Steps
Basic - Both Closed & Open
Frankie Promenade - Leader Goes & Follower Goes
Send Out
Open to Closed Transition
Lindy Circle
Swingout - Closed to Open, Open to Closed, Open to Open
Washing Machine/Clock
Lindy Hop 6-Count Steps
Basic - Both Closed & Open, as well as Rotating
Tuck Turn
Inside Turn to Closed
Side Passes - Inside Turn, Leader Window, Belt Turn, Releasing Hands
Charleston Steps
Side-by-Side Kick Charleston Basic
Tuck Turn, Replacing Triples with Kick-steps
Side Pass, Replacing Triples with Kick-steps
Pulse - on time, consistent rhythm throughout movement/traveling
Keeping feet underneath you
Able to dance comfortably at 145 BPM, finding and maintaining the tempo comfortably
Basic floorcraft - awareness on social floor, protecting your partner, not bumping into other dancers
Frame -
This list is not meant to be intimidating! Remember, all of this gets covered over four entire classes. If you can not consistently demonstrate these moves comfortably, confidently, on time, and with good rhythm, we highly recommend that you retake the Foundations course that covers the specific material challenging you, bring that material to a practice session, or work with one of our instructors in a private lesson.
If you are new to Swing Out, South Florida progressive classes, we ask that you start your journey with us in Foundations. Foundations is an all-level class - it's perfect for: brand new beginners, folks still perfecting 6 count and Charleston footwork patterns, more experienced dancers looking to re-establish a strong foundation or simply shake off some rust, or anyone who wants to start learning their non-primary role. Foundations is a four-class series and the classes can be taken in any order. No partner or experience needed.
Absolutely! We welcome anyone who has never taken a class with us before to Drop In for the first two weeks of each session only.* The material and concepts in these classes builds throughout the four weeks, so regular attendance is key both to you and your classmates getting the most out of class.
*Exceptions may be made for advanced or out-of-town traveling dancers - please email us if this applies to you.
We regularly have folks join us who have learned from a lot of different places and instructors. The style and fundamentals we're teaching doesn't always align with what other organizations teach. We need everyone in class to share the same foundations for the sake of student safety and group progress. Students joining us with previous training are required to be evaluated by an instructor before being placed in a class. Please email or reach out to us if this applies to you.
Core classes work on more advanced technique including musicality, partnership, body and movement mechanics, refining techniques, and expanding your skill set. Additional vernacular jazz styles are regularly covered. The topic of this class will change every session, responsive to the students' progress and needs. It is important that students joining Core share the same foundational skills and technique, so that the class's ability to move through the material is not slowed or halted by a single student.
To move into Core Class, you must: complete the four Foundations classes and/or be approved by the instructor team.
There is not a standard timeline for this - everyone is on their own dance journey! The idea is not that you've checked all the boxes, but that everyone in the Core Class is both comfortable and confident with the material and concepts covered in the Foundations courses. This allows: you to get the most out of your class, for the best learning environment for each class collectively, and allows students to have a clear idea of the expectations of the different courses.
A full list of what we’re looking for can be found below. When you feel like you can lead or follow the material listed comfortably, confidently, on time, and with good rhythm, reach out to our instructor team about moving up into Core! If the instructor team agrees that you'd be a good fit for the class, you'll join the following month's Core Class for a trial session. And no sweat - if you try it out and feel like Core isn't the best place for you, you can always jump right back into Foundations!
If you think you might be ready but you're not sure, you can always reach out to the instructor team to talk about it! We're always happy to chat about where you're at in your dance journey, how you're feeling about it, and to give feedback on what you can focus on, which can include recommendations for how you can get closer to moving into Core.
To join Core Class, you will be expected to have learned and be able to do the following:
Lindy Hop 8-Count Steps
Basic - Both Closed & Open
Frankie Promenade - Leader Goes & Follower Goes
Send Out
Open to Closed Transition
Lindy Circle
Swingout - Closed to Open, Open to Closed, Open to Open
Washing Machine/Clock
Lindy Hop 6-Count Steps
Basic - Both Closed & Open, as well as Rotating
Tuck Turn
Inside Turn to Closed
Side Passes - Inside Turn, Leader Window, Belt Turn, Releasing Hands
Charleston Steps
Side-by-Side Kick Charleston Basic
Tuck Turn, Replacing Triples with Kick-steps
Side Pass, Replacing Triples with Kick-steps
Pulse - on time, consistent rhythm throughout movement/traveling
Keeping feet underneath you
Able to dance comfortably at 145 BPM, finding and maintaining the tempo comfortably
Basic floorcraft - awareness on social floor, protecting your partner, not bumping into other dancers
Frame -
- SUCCESSFUL: correct arm/shoulder positioning, posture, full connection/engagement in arms, body leading (instead of arm leading/pushing/pulling), consistent, going to the end of the line without over-extending arms
- UNSUCCESSFUL: arm leading/pulling/pushing, over-extending arms, inconsistent, over-reliance on free arm
This list is not meant to be intimidating! Remember, all of this gets covered over four entire classes. If you can not consistently demonstrate these moves comfortably, confidently, on time, and with good rhythm, we highly recommend that you retake the Foundations course that covers the specific material challenging you, bring that material to a practice session, or work with one of our instructors in a private lesson.